
4b HS-2015-16

Page history last edited by Perino 9 years ago



Online Classbook: for all relevant class dates, news, homework, worksheets:

jump down to Xmas holiday / jump down to autumn holiday

CClass 4b   HS 2015 – 2016  / Room 14 / 218o




room 14 !




room 218




room 218



NO Engl. lesson

room 218


NO  Engl. lesson

room 218


Mon – Fri

Nr. of week
Summer Holidays


(log-in required)




A-Z of possible worlds: shortstories: reading "Archipelago" together, discuss
Vocab: the media.

17.8. – 21.8.


Writing an article: more input, start article.

Sun vs Guardian.pdf

in groups of 4, tell each other stories. Decide which is the "best" one, say why.

HW: read shortstory you have chosen, prepare to tell so. else about it.

HW: finish vocab sheets "media" / turning vocab items into lists:  Vocab Lists from EVO – 51 Television.xlsx
  24.8. - 28.8 35
schooltrip 2d XXX all classes HJ! / 4b Proj. week 4b Proj. week XXX

4b Proj. week XXX



31.8. - 4.9. 36
XXX ab 12:15 Schule eingest. Konvent

Peer-correction of articles written. Hand in finalized versions.

HW: Write article in SUN-style or GUARDIAN-style on computer: imitate layout and write in appropriate register.


(Kant. Mittelschulsporttag)


Look at vocab lists. How would YOU test this vocab? / New vocab topic.

(Kant. Mittelschulsporttag)

7.9. - 11.9. 37

HW: Read one more story from the A-Z series: Prepare a comment on:

- narrator / narration (HOW is the story told, who by?)

- theme

- structure of story: sections? climax? turning points?

- characters / people in story

- five most useful expressions found (above just "basic" English)

ROOM 61:

Finish shortstory tasks

Write expressions here: (click!)

Activity with articles written.

Vocab activitiy



14.9. - 18.9. 38

HW: Read one more story from the A-Z series: Prepare a comment on:

- narrator / narration (HOW is the story told, who by?)

- theme

- structure of story: sections? climax? turning points?

- characters / people in story

- five most useful expressions found (above just "basic" English)  / Choosing a classic novel to read next: Reading a Classic.docx

EXAM 1 (writing an article)

(LM exam morning)

EXAM 1 (writing an article)

(LM exam morning)
21.9. - 25.9. 39
Choose next class reading novel from "classics" suggestions. / work on vocab: write story with 20 least known items from list / Society Vocab book: pp. 156 - 169
Room 61: Working session: complete vocab of stories / write story from vocab / study vocab "society" from book.

Room 61: Working session: complete vocab of stories / write story from vocab /

study vocab  "society – EVO": click here

28.9. - 2.10. 40
Autumn Holidays

ROOM 61 TODAY!  Grammar online programme: (links repaired, they should all be working now).

Guide: Subjunctive mode  / or as pdf for download

subjunctive 1 explanation and excercise

Subjunctive mood the sexy way...

Various conditional forms + quiz  /  mood...  

Wishes and Hypotheses + quiz 

Wish + were  vs. Wish + would be

wish it would rain down  vs. wish you were here

summary "wishes" 

(high / about) Time + subjunctive 1  / exercise "it's time..."

as if / as though  /  Overview phrases with unreal past

would rather / would sooner  /  would rather, would sooner + past  / More phrases with unreal past

Excercise conditionals 1

More "wish" examples and quizzes

correcting sentences from article texts
 Intro 1984
19.10. - 23.10. 43

Explain the differences: Worksheet „Subjunctive.docx

practise vocabulary for exam.

HW: Read Ch1 1984

Rev. Grammar "Subjunctive".

(Probetag Blasorchester)



26.10. - 30.10. 44

Further practice linking devices (see above and again here): http://www.agendaweb.org/grammar/conjunctions-english-exercises.html

Re-read 1984 / ask questions in prep. for exam.


Each correctly and meaningfully used linking device in your text will take away another mistake in the grammar part of the evaluation!

EXAM 2 vocabulary [2 chapters from "Organizer": MEDIA / SOCIETY] + your vocab shortstories + 1 topic grammar: subjunctive mode


Read Ch. II and appendix about "Newspeak"

  (LM exam)
2.11. - 6.11. 45

XXX Weiterbildung CLM / Exkursion BG

1984 Ch. I-III/ Vocab


HW: Read Ch. III




(Noten Zwischenbeurt. !)

9.11. - 13.11. 46
Writing: opinion battle, using vocab from here: http://www.vocabulary.cl/Lists/Opinions.htm

Ivana watching

Read Ch. IV and V

Ivana watching


  (LM exam)
16.11. - 20.11. 47
Remaining questions 1984 / opinions
Vocabulary EVO: human body
Read up to end of Part I (-->p. 118)
  23.11. - 27.11. 48

Linking words and expressions: http://library.bcu.ac.uk/learner/writingguides/1.33.htmLinking_Devices.pdf

exercises today: http://www.agendaweb.org/grammar/conjunctions-english-exercises.html

1. Read Ch. I-III Part II (-->p.157)

Lesson starts one hour earlier: 13:15

2. Vocabulary EVO: human body


Lesson starts one hour earlier: 14:10



(Samichlaus Zmorge)

30.11. - 4.12. 49

Practising linking devices:

Linking Words Quiz.docx Linking devices.docx Transition word exercise.docx Linking devices match.docx

Désirée etc. watching

Read Ch. IV-VII Part II (-->p.193)



  7.12. - 11.12. 50

Read up to end of Part II (-->p.256)

Cara watching


Cara watching

14.12. - 18.12. 51
Xmas Holidays



Preparation for exam: re-read, ask questions

+ further practice linking devices: each correctly and meaningfully used linking device will cancel out another mistake for the G-evaluation 20 points. So see above and practice here again: http://www.agendaweb.org/grammar/conjunctions-english-exercises.html

EXAM 3 about reading: commenting on 1984 – up to Part II


  4.1. - 8.1. 1

ROOM 61:

Please join quizlet class 4b via the following link:


Then create your set of vocabulary, write in your expressions, SHOW them to me BEFORE creating the set (= saving it). Then add your set to class 4b.

Read Ch. I-II Part III (-->p.298) 

Each one of you will FREELY recount TWO pages of the part read for today for your ORAL MARK.

11.1. - 15.1. 2

Room 61:

Go to https://quizlet.com/class/2316134/ or


  and practise and test all the vocab sets. Please let me see mistakes if you encounter them, and correct them. 

Sub-Teaching: Kurs "LUUISE"

Read Ch. III-IV Part III (-->p.324)

  XXX Konvent
18.1. - 22.1. 3

 rep. voc body / phrases and idioms for "advanced":

phrases and idioms U1.pdf

final discussion 1984
Read up to the end of the story (-->p. 342) 


(Noten eintragen!)

25.1. - 29.1. 4

Final discussion 1984 continued

HW: finish exercise "phrases and idioms"

Room 61: movie "Brave New World": https://vimeo.com/45675847

(Notenkonvente 1.Kl / 2. - 5. Kl. 1. Teil + Unterricht)

Room 61: movie "Brave New World": https://vimeo.com/45675847

(Notenkonvente 1.Kl / 2. - 5. Kl. 1. Teil + Unterricht)

XXX Notenkonvente 2. - 5. Kl. 2. Teil
1.2. - 5.2. 5
  Meeting Point café "Asia Takeaway"  ex Wimbledon: https://www.google.ch/search?safe=strict&site=&source=hp&ei=Kzm7VuWeLcWhPuHfoNgF&q=wimbledon+cafe+z%C3%BCrich+enge&oq=&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.1.0.41l3.       8.2. - 12.2. 6
Sports Holidays


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