
1c HS-2015-16

Page history last edited by Perino 9 years ago



Online Classbook: for all relevant class dates, news, homework, worksheets:

wordlist New Inspiration 2: NI-2-Wordlist_edit.pdf   

http://www.card2brain.ch (Vocabulary Learning Program Online --> search "kfr" and find all units of New Inspiration 2)

jump down to Xmas holiday

CClass 1c   HS 2015 – 2016  / Room 209o




room 209



room 209



room 209


NO English lesson

room 209


NO English lesson

room 209


Mon – Fri

Nr. of week
Summer Holidays
1c XXX Einführung
get to know
introduction to coursebook

17.8. – 21.8.

HW: download wordlist / exc. 1 and 2 on p. 8 
describe how you celebrate your birthday. / U 1.1

Finisch U1.1

HW: Practice reading fast: p.10 U1.1 exc. 2

  24.8. - 28.8 35

schooltrip 1c XXX

schooltrip 2d XXX all classes HJ! / 4b Proj. week

1.2: present continuous p.12




31.8. - 4.9. 36


Read 1.2. 2 READING

New: possessives:

possessives exercise.pdf

HW: 7 writing task: write 7 sentences like the one given.

Overview personal pronouns

Explanation my vs. mine etc.

practise possessives:

Exc. 1

Exc. 2

Exc. 3

Exc. 4

Exc. 5


present simple vs. present cont.:

form and uses.

For practice:

Exc. 1 Present S. vs. Present Cont.

Exc. 2

Exc. 3

Exc. 4

Test yourself

7.9. - 11.9. 37
Knabenschiessen XXX

HW: do last year's test to prepare for your exam, plus exercises here in wiki (online).

NI 2 U1 HS2014-5 1d.pdf

Discuss test, start U1.4

EXAM: 1.1 – 1.3 – Vocabulary German-English / present simple vs. present continuous in form and use / possession / topic: personal questions

For revision of present tenses:




14.9. - 18.9. 38


U1 Extra

LM Exam: sub-teacher: Mark Scherrer U2.1

21.9. - 25.9. 39
U1 Extra (dialogue) / London project
 London project
LM exam: sub-teacher Philipp Christen U2.1 continued
28.9. - 2.10. 40
Autumn Holidays

biggest, best thing on holiday: rep. graduation / U2.2

Comparatives Superlatives worksheet with answers.pdf

exercise comp. / sup. : (solution)

comparative - superlative.pdf


 prepositions of place
19.10. - 23.10. 43
HW: Exc. 7 p.25 / U2.3 :  expressions with gerund.

XXX 1c Teambildungstag

rev. expressions + gerund from text ---> degrees of liking / exc.3 / music styles / speaking

(Murielle watching)



26.10. - 30.10. 44

consolidating structures with GERUND (sheet)

Degrees of liking.pdf

finishing U2.3 -->U2.4
HW: your learner independance / Extra + Review
  (LM exam)
2.11. - 6.11. 45

"Sicherheit im Internet": Klasse 14:10 im Klassenzimmer besammeln und in die Aula begleiten. Dort beaufsichtigen.

sub-teacher Weiterbildung CLM

Revising lesson to prepare exam: NI 2 U2.

sub-teacher Weiterbildung CLM

EXAM 2: Vocab U2 / comparison and superlative / structures with gerund / likes and dislikes / talking about festivals



(Noten Zwischenbeurt. !)

9.11. - 13.11. 46
Preview U3/4

HW: read text 3.1 The Great Fire: past simple.

Murielle, Ivana watching

Katja teaching: NI2 U3.2: past simple questions and negatives.

(Konv. Zwischenbeurt. 1. Kl.)

  LM exam
16.11. - 20.11. 47

 U 3.2 past revision / questions:

dialogues / questions, negatives

Rhythm with questions.pdf  exercises:

regular verbforms

questions and negatives

irregular verbforms

irregular verbforms 2

2-player game about past forms


Which name and famous first-sol.doc

LM exam --> Ph. Christen teaching:
  23.11. - 27.11. 48
U3.3 (rep. questions past simple)

Past_Simple_vs._Past_Continuous.pptx Past simple and past continuous combined in typical sentence structures.docx  

past-continuous-past-simple.pdf (last page)



(Samichlaus Zmorge)

30.11. - 4.12. 49

Finish worksheet past tenses / U3.3
Your own stories of narrow escape...

Melanie watching


(Besuchsmorgen Primarsch.)

  7.12. - 11.12. 50

more stories? / U3.4: biographies of famous writers, e.g. Shaky




LM exam: sub-teaching Ph. Christen
Désirée, Cara watching
14.12. - 18.12. 51
Xmas Holidays

Rev. past forms, look at 4.1,2: future forms.

U 4.1-2 future forms

going to.pdf

(Präs. Erg.fach Inf. etc.)

U 4.1-2 future forms

  4.1. - 8.1. 1

U4.2 end

Exam training past: past simple vs. past continuous:
















exam training: future (will vs. going to) : room 107.







http://www.agendaweb.org/verbs/future-simple-exercises.html (nur will-going to lösen!)






EXAM 3: Units 3 + 4.1, 4.2: Vocab U3 + 4.1, 4.2 / Past simple regular / irregular forms / past simple questions + negative sentences / combinations of past simple (talked)  and past continuous (was talking) / future with "be going to" and "will do": form and uses.

11.1. - 15.1. 2

Zi 61: Test back, then

http://perino.org/PeterPan.html :  hören, üben

sprechen für Mdl. Note:


 Introducing Adverbs (vs. Adjectives!)

Sub-Teaching: Kurs "LUUISE" :

Adj. vs. Adv.: the special cases

  XXX Konvent
18.1. - 22.1. 3
Adj. vs. Adv.: the special cases - continued / assign page for reading / oral mark


(Noten eintragen!)

25.1. - 29.1. 4
U 4.4 / Revision U 3-4
rest of U4.4 / extra, revision

HW: Writing assignment: exc. 5 p. 55

(Notenkonvente 1.Kl / 2. - 5. Kl. 1. Teil + Unterricht)

XXX Notenkonvente 2. - 5. Kl. 2. Teil
1.2. - 5.2. 5
Corr. Revision U3/4  /  Preview U 5
U5.1: future arrangements. London: London-tourist.doc
      8.2. - 12.2. 6
Sports Holidays


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