
class 2d FS 2015

Page history last edited by Perino 9 years, 7 months ago


Timetable H. Perino (click!)

Online Classbook: for all relevant class dates, news, homework, worksheets


jump down to spring holiday

CClass 2d   FS 2015  Room 206o


Tuesday, 09:45-10:30


Tuesday, 14:10-14:55


Wednesday, 07:50-08:35


Thursday, UniZH



NO E-lesson


Mo  –  Fr




           Sports Holidays        
program / NI 3 U4.3

Powerpoint Project:

Hilfen zu PowerPoint OSX.doc

Link 1 (3 deadly sins)

Link 2 (4 designs that work)

Link 3 (how to use slide master

Link 4 (general tutorial)

Link 5 (animated objects)

Link 6 (overcome fear...)

Link 7 (How to start...)

 Start reading "Legend"

23.2. – 27.2.

Karin watching
Karin watching
Talking about pages 1-49 "Legend"


2.3. - 6.3. 10


Geräte- und Spielsporttag 2. Kl. ---> 2. Kl XXX


Geräte- und Spielsporttag 2. Kl. ---> 2. Kl XXX

 Test 1 ok! : NI 2 U 3.3-End of 4, incl. Voc.: giving advice / see sth moving (etc.) / facts vs. opinion / 1st conditional (if...)




9.3. - 13.3. 11

Revising Present Perfect

Intensivproben Theater ---> alle Kl. Kat

Revising Present Perfect


Intensivproben Theater ---> alle Kl. Kat


Intensivproben Theater ---> alle Kl. Kat



4 ICT !

16.3. - 20.3. 12
Working on Powerpoint Presentation
Working on Powerpoint Presentation

Talking about pages 100-160

NO TESTS! (Blasorch.)



4 ICT !

Besuchstage ---> Sa +3b L1 / 1d L2

23.3. -27.3. 13
Grammar: test back / Past vs. Present Pf.
Working on Powerpoint Presentation
Reading: pages 161 - 204
  Karfreitag XXX
30.3. - 3.4. 14



room 62

Presenting / Grammar

room 62

Reading: pages 205 - 251



6.4. - 10.4. 15

Test 2: present perfect vs. past simple and past perfect (cf. exercise) / text about "Legend".

HJ IATEFL ---> Kat


HJ IATEFL ---> Kat

Reading: pages 252 to the end.  


4 ICT !

13.4. - 17.4. 16
            Spring Holiday        


Intensivproben Theater ---> alle Kl. Kat


Intensivproben Theater ---> alle Kl. Kat


Intensivproben Theater ---> alle Kl. Kat





4 ICT !

4.5. - 8.5. 19


Intensivproben Theater ---> alle Kl. Kat


Intensivproben Theater ---> alle Kl. Kat


Intensivproben Theater ---> alle Kl. Kat

Auffahrt XXX

Auffahrtsbrücke XXX

(Intensivproben Theater?)

11.5. - 15.5. 20

HJ: What do you need to revise in grammar? / Beamer – Presentations?

Generalprobe Theater (13:15) --->3b Kat

Reading: Bridget Jones

Generalprobe Theater (13:15) --->3b, 2d Kat

Presenting: get to know software! room 61.

http://www.brainshark.com/mybrainshark Tutorial: http://www.teachertrainingvideos.com/video-youtube/mybrainshark-part-1.html 


(19:30 Roi David Aula)


(19:30 Roi David Aula)


(19:30 Roi David Aula)


18.5. - 22.5. 21

Grammar revision: present simple / present continuous

action-state verbs.pdf


Stative Verbs http://perino.org/Stative_Verbs.html


Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3


Beat watching

Lesson takes place on Friday!

Working on Presentations / Demo mybrainshark

Requirements for Powerpoint Presentation.docx

 Tobi Meyer teaching (filming): READ: Bridget Jones' Diary: from "Sunday, 2nd April " up to "Saturday, 22nd April"
 (LSD Mat)
  25.5. - 29.5. 22

Beat teaching: Grammar revision: past tenses vs. present perfect


Room 107: working on presentations / brainshark

http://www.brainshark.com/mybrainshark Tutorial: http://www.teachertrainingvideos.com/video-youtube/mybrainshark-part-1.html

B J.May: Seraina teaching, HW: read up to and including "May 6th"





1.6. - 5.6. 23

looking at articles from NYT to analyse past and present pf. forms (present simple vs. cont. where possible)

working on presentations (laptops)

Test 3: present simple vs. present continuous (incl. state verbs) / past tenses vs. present perfect / text Bridget Jones

8.6. - 12.6. 24
 room 62: Bridget Jones movie

Laptops:  make a quizz for BJ with learning apps: http://www.learningapps.org

---> send me the link

HW: BJ: read up to the End of June.


Link to BJD learningapps quizzes


Deadline for uploading brainshark personal presentations: 21st June 24:00

15.6. - 19.6. 25


(mdl. Mat)


(mdl. Mat)

HW: Read "July and August" in Bridget Jones



(Noteneintrag 1. - 5. Kl.)

22.6. - 26.6. 26
HW: Read "September" in Bridget Jones Laptops + Beamer: 21 Vegas

HW: Read "October" in Bridget Jones

Current Affairs Quizzes:

News Quiz NYT

News / IQ Quiz

(Notenkonvente: kein Unterricht!) XXX
29.6. - 3.7. 27

HW: Read up to the end of Bridget Jones

Room 63


Room 62: 21 Vegas

Room 61: 21 Vegas




Projekttage 3. Klassen

6.7 - 10.7. 28
            Summer Holiday        


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