CClass 2f HS 2013 – 2014 / Room 205 o
Mo: no English lesson
room 205
room 205
Thur, (Ella 1/2cl.)
(Morning HJP UZH)
room 205
Fri: no English lesson
Dates: Mon – Fri
Summer Holidays |
Hello again! / Dr. Brumm: rep. pres. simple vs. present cont. / find someone who (holidays) -->present pf. simple: this week / since Monday
Revise present s. vs. present cont. / revise countable vs. uncountable. / look at present pf (in book)
Unit 1 present simple vs continuous.pdf
U6 present simple vs continuous.pdf
countable vs uncountable.pdf
revise for exam
19.8. – 23.8.
Exam 1:
- present simple vs. present cont.
- countable vs. uncountable (some, any, a[n], much, many, how much, how many, a lot [of] in + / - / ? / -? sentences.
- present perfect simple (+ irr. pp forms)
Talking about "transport": pp. 76ff
Yasmine, Rosa / note-taking class
26.8. - 30.8. |
HJ KGU-Tagung
XXX / Sporttag KFR
Discuss exam / U6.2 ff
Introduction language assistant: topic "tourists"
2.9. - 6.9. |
Projektwoche mit 6d Amsterdam XXX
Projektwoche mit 6d Amsterdam XXX |
Projektwoche mit 6d Amsterdam XXX |
Projektwoche mit 6d Amsterdam XXX
Projektwoche mit 6d Amsterdam XXX
9.9. - 13.9. |
Schulreise XXX
HW: write correction for tests with 4.5 or less / study pp forms of verbs.
contrast past simple <---> present perfect simple:
present pf - past simple exercise.doc
oral activities / U 6.4, review (half classes Assistant / Perino
16.9. - 20.9. |
End of U 6 / U 7.1: obligations
HW: Review p. 84-85
U 7.1 must, mustn't, can, can't, have to, don't have to / practise here:
oral activities / U 6.4, review (half classes Assistant / Perino - groups swapped
23.9. - 27.9. |
Exam: Contrast of present perfect simple vs. past simple / describing favourite places, personal experience - objective description / must - mustn't - have to - don't have to - can - can't (obligation - permission)
Vocabulary: ALL of U6 + U 7.1
Diploma Exam UZH XXX
On your own, read text p. 94 "Ice Paradise", look up words if necessary, do writing task Nr. 7 on p. 95, producing a text of roughly 150 words about an imaginary trip to the Arctic with a group. Task to be handed in on Thursday.
oral activities: Ella / role-plays HJ
30.9. - 4.10. |
Autumn Holidays |
Test back - how can we improve? / remaining "Ice Paradise" texts! / U7.2
(Morgen keine Pr.! – Orchesterprobe)
Diploma Exam UZH XXX |
oral activities: Ella / HJ
21.10. - 25.10. |
Finish discussing test / Finish U7
edu-i-day SVIA Lausanne XXX
HW: hand in corrections
28.10. - 1.11. |
presentations Yasmin, Rosa / Info corr. exam, holiday texts / 3 texts end U7
HW: finish text "Switzerland" / U 8.1
guess the movie!
Start ICT course: go to |
4.11. - 8.11. |
Texts back, mistakes / U8.1, purpose
HW: finish exercise "purpose" / U 8.2 ff
oral activities: Ella / HJ:
guess the movie!
(Zwischenbeurteilung) |
11.11. - 15.11. |
U 8.2 - 8.3
(Zwischenbeurteilung Probezeit 1. Kl. !)
8.2: conditionals / tag phrases / preview test.
oral activities: Ella / HJ 50things.pptx
18.11. - 22.11. |
Exam: U7.2 up to end of book: voc 7.2 - end / modal verbs again, esp. must - have to - can/could - shall/should – all +,-,? / definitions using "who, which, that, etc." / conditionals/ question tags.
Testing level for readers - choosing a reader.
Pre-intermediate titles:
Intermediate titles:
Upper Intermediate titles:
oral activities: Ella / HJ 50things.pptx |
25.11. - 29.11. |
Test back /
activities Ella / Perino
2.12. - 6.12. |
Intro new book: NI 3, learner types
Besuchsmorgen 6. Kl. Primarschulen
activities Ella / Perino
9.12. - 13.12. |
NI 3 U 1
Hunger Games: Group 1 (Leo, Rosa, Samuel, Yasmin, Andreas) as experts, everybody as reader: read up to p. 57.
last (BW 3)
movie quizes:
15.00 Atempause
16.12. - 20.12. |
Christmas Holidays |
non-action verbs.pdf
stative-verbs-list.pdf |
Hunger Games: Group 2 (Anthony, Moritz, Konrad, Anja, Alexander, Julius) as experts, everybody as reader: read up to p. 104. |
oral activity / Ella
think different... / words of wisdom
6.1. - 10.1. |
stative and dynamic verbs / past tenses
Hunger Games: Group 3 (Tiya, Julia, Ronja, Cosima, Lynn) as experts, everybody as reader: read up to p. 158. / Find a quote from each chapter 7, 8 , 9 and bring it to the lesson.
oral activity / Ella
think different... / words of wisdom
13.1. - 17.1. |
Exam 4: optinal, counts if handed in. Topics:
stative and dynamic verbs / past tenses: past simple vs. past continuous, combined sentences. |
Oral Mark Self Evaluation / Hunger Games: Group 4 (Michael, Celine, Carmen, Dario, Rahel, Sophie) as experts, everybody as reader: read up to p. 207.
Oral Mark self-evaluation / oral activity / Ella
Noten eintragen!
20.1. - 24.1. |
Presentation R/Y : chocolate... ! :-) past tenses
Hunger Games: Group 1 (Leo, Rosa, Samuel, Yasmin, Andreas) as experts, everybody as reader: read up to p. 250. |
oral activity / Ella |
27.1. - 31.1. |
NI 3 U1 |
no lesson
oral activity / Ella |
Exceptional: double lesson 13:30-16:00: movie Hunger Games: Room 62 |
3.2. - 7.2. |
Sports Holidays |
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