

Page history last edited by Perino 11 years ago



Online Classbook: for all relevant class dates, news, homework, worksheets: wordlist New Inspiration 2: NI-2-Wordlist_edit.pdf  

Answers Workbook NI 2.pdf   / http://www.card2brain.ch (Vocabulary Learning Program Online --> search "kfr" and find all units of New Inspiration 2)

jump down to Xmas holiday

CClass 1d   HS 2013 – 2014  / Room 210o




room 210



room 210

Wed: no English lesson

(Thur: Morning UZH) / No English lesson



room 210

Dates: Mon – Fri

      Summer Holidays      
 canterville-ghost_easy.pdf (Text "Canterville Ghost")
reading story
HW (=homework): Read "Canterville Ghost" up to end of Ch. 5 / finish story.

19.8. – 23.8.

starting coursebook: Inspiration 2
introducing "characters" of coursebook

HW: fill in everything you can on pages 8-9


[always: study vocabulary up to the unit we are at / do exercises in Workbook that match what we do in class]

26.8. - 30.8.

HJ KGU-Tagung

XXX / Sporttag KFR

HJ KGU-Tagung

XXX / Sporttag KFR

U1.1 present simple +, -, ? / present cont. U1.2: http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/grammar/simple_present_progressive_gegenueberstellung.htm



2.9. - 6.9.
Projektwoche mit 6d Amsterdam XXX
Projektwoche mit 6d Amsterdam XXX Projektwoche mit 6d Amsterdam XXX Projektwoche mit 6d Amsterdam XXX
Projektwoche mit 6d Amsterdam XXX
9.9. - 13.9.
Schulreise XXX


HW: Read "The Memory Man" and answer questions

Memory Man.pdf

Practise present simple vs. present cont.



present simple vs. present cont.docx

present simple vs. present cont-solution.pdf

16.9. - 20.9.

Exam 1: Questions about "Canterville Ghost" and "Memory Man" / Contrast between present simple vs. present continuous / vocabulary up to and including U1.3

      Discussing exam
23.9. - 27.9.

HW: correction exam


 room 62... ??
30.9. - 4.10.

         Autumn Holidays      
U 1.4 / 1 Extra: Read joke p. 18, write joke U1 Culture
HW: write sight seeing text (4 mini-project, p.21) : produce nice version of it (paper / macbook)
21.10. - 25.10.

look at/read mini projects --> hang up. /

HW: read texts on Rio and Nothing Hill festivals

+ Street Parade: comparatives, superlatives



Rep. Comparison: Comparison Eddy double.docx

HW: Read text p. 24, DO "Getting it right", plus exc. 6:


28.10. - 1.11.

vocab prepositions of place / U 2.2

Giving directions
  U 2.3 :  like, hate etc doing things
4.11. - 8.11.

Exam 2: vocab 1.4 – 2.3 / comparatives, superlatives / should, shouldn't / like, love, hate etc. DOING things / prepositios of place / giving directions /describing an event.




U 2.4 New Year celebrations
11.11. - 15.11.
HW: Learner Indepenence, p.33
  (Zwischenbeurteilung Probezeit 1. Kl. !)
  DV VSG / SATE Event Perino XXX
18.11. - 22.11.
Test back / 3.1: past tense
U 3.1 pronunciation regular past form on -ed: /t/, /d/, /id/: http://esl.about.com/od/beginnerpronunciation/a/past_pronounce.htm  
HW: study irregular verbs p. 127 / U 3.1 .-3.2 25.11. - 29.11.
U 3.2 London
3.3 Meteorite
















2.12. - 6.12.

past simple vs. past continuous, U 3.4
past simple vs. past continuous, U 3.4

Zusatz-Stunden: Besuchsmorgen 6. Kl. Primarschulen:

9:45 G2 / 10:40 G1


past simple vs. past continuous, End of U 3










9.12. - 13.12.

Exam 3: All Unit 3: voc U3 / past simple regular (-ed: /d/ /t/ or /id/ pronunciationa) + irregular verbs (p. 127 first two columns), past continuous (he was sailing... when...) / topic: description of events using past simple AND past continuous. / writing and saying DATES.

 will see.. (62)
last (62)
16.12. - 20.12.

   Christmas Holidays      

 test back, discuss

 test back, discuss    

practise past tenses: Past_Simple_vs._Past_Continuous.ppt

past simple vs. past continuous-sol.docx

past tenses irr. - questions.pdf

6.1. - 10.1.

Exam 4: Same topics as Exam 3

  discussing exam / U 4.1 13.1. - 17.1.
U 4.1/4.2 future tenses: overview, songs U 4.1/4.2 future tenses: overview, songs
    U 4.1/4.2 future tenses: overview, songs 20.1. - 24.1.
HW: write email to me (hj@kfr.ch) exc. 8 p. 49 in book NI 2
U 4.1/4.2 future tenses
XXX Notenkonvente 2.-5. Klassen XXX
27.1. - 31.1.
U 4.2-4.4 future tenses

U 4.2-4.4 Adjective vs. Adverb: adj. vs. adv.pdf


Adjective or Adverb 1.doc

Adjective or Adverb 2.doc

room 62...
3.2. - 7.2.
Sports Holidays


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