

Page history last edited by Perino 14 years ago


Online Classbook: for all relevant class dates, news, homework, worksheets

CClass 5a   HS 2010 – 2011o


Tuesday, 11.30-12.15,

room 204

GRAMMAR: Destination...

Wednesday, 07.50-08.35

room 214


Wednesday, 08.45-09.30

room 214



Friday, no English

Dates: Mo – Fr

                    Summer Holidays      
 XXX (info class Zi 62)
Oral Matura Exams XXX
Oral Matura Exams XXX

23.8. – 27.8.

Hello, tests, passives: U7
going back to "incredibly..."
Voc. 258/259 / U7 / "phrasal verbs / idioms" U 2 / 4 Sporttag
  30.8. - 3.9.
revise U 7 / U 9: modals
reading a story
Voc. 260/261 / "phrasal verbs / idioms" U 2 / 4

Perino Bern


6.9. - 10.9.
U 9 / "phrasal verbs / idioms" U 6 / 8
HW: Read story "Mask of the Red Death" --> discussing story.
Voc. 262/263 / finish discussing story / choosing new book.

3. Kl. Schulreise-Woche

4. Kl. Projektwoche

  13.9. - 17.9.
Revise for test
Test grammar U7 / U9 + phv/I U2 / U4 / U6 / U8
Voc. 264/265
  20.9. - 24.9.
U 11: conditionals
HW: finish book.
Voc. 266/267
    27.9. - 1.10.
U 11 : / "phrasal verbs / idioms" U 10 / U 12
Start reading "Importance..."
Voc. 268/269


Russia XXX

4.10. - 8.10.
                    Autumn Holidays      
U 13: unreal time
(Kleider machen Schule Tag) room 62, with 5c / HW: re-read scenes of Importance so far for next Tue.
(Kleider machen Schule Tag) room 62, with 5c Elternabend 3d
  25.10. - 29.10.
U 13 / "phrasal verbs / idioms" U 14
"Importance..." Discussing characters, situation, paradoxes so far. (Myriam watch) HW for 16th Nov: Read up to end of Act I

Voc. 270/271 / write to school Nr. 12 (?) room Nr. 61!

(Myriam watch)

    1.11. - 5.11.
U 15: adjectives and adverbs
"Importance..." End of Act I HW next week: read up to Act II: p. 50, l. 10
Voc. 272-274 / Voc Test 258-274
    8.11. - 12.11.
U 15 / "phrasal verbs / idioms" U 16 "Importance..." Act II up to p. 50, l. 10, then on.
Voc. 372/373
  Perino I-Days Luzern XXX
15.11. - 19.11.
Revise for test
Test grammar U11 - U15 + phv/I U10 / U12 / U14 / U16
Voc. 374/375     22.11. - 26.11.
Essay Writing: http://www.ltn.lv/~markir/essaywriting/frntpage.htm "Importance..." XXX HLM Exam Perino Task: continue to work with Essay Writing Online Tool: http://www.ltn.lv/~markir/essaywriting/frntpage.htm

XXX HLM Exam Perino

Voc. 376/377

Task: continue to work with Essay Writing Online Tool: http://www.ltn.lv/~markir/essaywriting/frntpage.htm

    29.11. - 3.12.
 Discussing Test / Essay Writing: http://www.ltn.lv/~markir/essaywriting/frntpage.htm

"Importance..." read up to Act II, p. 50, l. 10 ... obvious kind.


Sean, Annina André, Mark visit

Voc. 378/379 "Importance..." / Essay Writing

Perino ICT-



6.12. - 10.12.
Task: ... (Perino University)
"Importance..." Wilde movie (his life)
Voc. 380/381 Wilde movie (his life)     13.12. - 17.12.
Hand in text "A better way of celebrating Xmas"/ essay writing 
"Importance..." read up to the end of Act II: discussing Act II
Voc. 382/383 discussing Act II / activities


ferien XXX

20.12. - 24.12.
                     Christmas Holidays      
essay writing

Claudia watch


 Claudia, Judith watch  
  10.1. - 14.1.
essay writing


(Annina, Sean, Lella watch)

Voc. 384/385

Annina, Sean

Gesamtkonvent 13.30
  17.1. - 21.1.
essay writing / oral marks
"Importance..." working with Act II / start reading Act III

Voc. 386-388

Voc Test 372-388


Noten bis

9 Uhr!

24.1. - 28.1.
  (Primarschüler) HW: read Act III (finish play) / Discuss Act III
    31.1. - 4.2.
  (Präsentation Mat-Arbeiten) Room 63 (Präsentation Mat-Arbeiten) Room 63
    7.2. - 11.2.
Sports Holidays



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