
Class 2d FS 2016

Page history last edited by Perino 8 years, 7 months ago


Timetable H. Perino click here: PerH-FS16.pdf

Online Classbook: for all relevant class dates, news, homework, worksheets


jump down to spring holiday

CClass 2d  Room 203   FS 2016o


Monday, 14:10 - 14:55


(Studium: 16:00 - 16:45)

Tuesday, 07:50 - 08:35



Wednesday, NO English lesson

Thursday Morning, UniZH  /

Thursday afternoon

15:05 - 15:50  READING         

Friday, NO English lesson


Mo  –  Fr




           Sports Holidays        

NI 3 U5.1 finished / rev. pres. pf.



Studium: Studie L3

NI 3 U5.2


Weiterbildung / Konvent XXX (2c, 1c)

4b Huusi

Reading: Read ch. 3 and 4



4b Huusi

29.2. – 4.3.


Aufnahmeprüfung Morgen

Sp 12:25 √

Nachmittag korr! XXX


Sport-/Spieltag 2. Kl. (2c, 2d XXX)



4b Huusi

Reading: Read ch. 5 und 6



4b Huusi

7.3. - 11.3. 10

NI 3 U5.3


Studium: Studie L4


NI 3 U5.4



4b Huusi

Reading: Read ch. 7 und 8



4b Huusi

14.3. - 18.3. 11

HJ Sitzung Luzern ---> subteaching: Mark Scherrer

NI 3 U5 Revision/Culture

watch travel movie Machu Picchu (Perino)

"Livia" 2. Kl. (2c, 2d, 2e /HJ KL!)

1c, 4b ---> subteaching:

Reading: Read ch. 9, 10, 11

Julia watching

Karfreitag XXX
21.3. - 25.3. 12
Ostermontag XXX
Studium: Studie L5
  Studium: Studie L6


öff. Besuchstage! + Sat: ...

ICT 4 S1

28.3. - 1.4. 13

Engl.: Continue past pf. Mr Bean...

Studium: Studie Befragung 2 ev. etwas länger als 16:45! / Zi 61 ok bis 17:35

NI 3 U5 extra / culture / prep exam ( Zi 107, falls notwendig, ok)
HW: exercises workbook / Reading: Read ch. 12, 13, 14


ICT 4 S2

4.4. - 8.4. 14
HJ IATEFL---> subteaching: Mark Scherrer: reading a story, featuring past tenses.
HJ IATEFL---> subteaching: Philipp Christen: continue from Monday, or read newspaper article
HJ IATEFL---> subteaching:

HJ IATEFL ---> subteaching: Cara MacMillan

Reading: Read ch. 15, 16, 17 (of "A Streetcat Named Bob"

HJ IATEFL ---> subteaching:

ICT 4 S3 selbstst. !

11.4. - 15.4. 15
Sechseläuten XXX

Exam 1: U5: Voc. U5 / present Pf. vs. past simple, continuous / past simple passive / experience(s) in life


HW: Prepare three comprehension questions for the class and one topic that you find interesting to discuss after reading the whole novel.

Reading: Read ch. 18 - 20 (end)


ICT 4 S4 // Noteneintrag Zw. Beurt.!

18.4. - 22.4. 16
            Spring Holiday        

Eva teaching: NI 3 U6.1

Studium: Studie Befragung 3: länger als 16:45! Zi: 61 ok


Eva teaching NI U6


Spez. Probe Blasorch.: keine Prüfungen!

Exam 2  Reading


ICT 4 S5

9.5. - 13.5. 19
Pfingstmontag XXX

HJ LM exam ---> subteaching: Philipp Christen: revise 6.1 go to 6.2


Decide next book for reading: EXODUS: ISBN-13: 978-0330399081

Julie Bertagna


ICT 4 S6

16.5. - 20.5.
rev. "used to" 6.2 ---> 6.3 passive





Beginning "Exodus"


23.5. - 27.5.

Murielle teaching: U 7.1 ff: reported speech


 Continuing reported speech: U 7.2 /


Exodus --> p. 14 (Wing, Swallowing Sea)
  30.5. - 3.6.

7.3 rep. speech:  reported speech.docx

/ 7.4  / U 8.1

Exercises reported speech:







English! compensation Study!


U 8.1




Désirée teaching:  Exodus ---> p. 15 - 38 (Maelstrom, The Weave, Fox in a Forest)




6.6. - 10.6.
U 8.2-3
Finalizing U8 / prep exam

Exam 3:

U6 -8 NI 3: past perfect (had done) / used to do vs. be or get used to doing / past simple passive / reported speech / "should have done" second conditional / voc U 6 - 8 /

(Spezialprobe Blasorchester: keine Prüfungen!)
13.6. - 17.6.

HW: write imagined conversation between Mara and the Fox  / Astrid Meyer teaching: Exodus: p. 39 - 63 (Dead Eye of the Storm, A World Lost, Earth Wins)


Stud: Test back / Camping...

HJ Mdl. Prüf KEN ---> subteaching: Philipp Christen: Exodus: p. 64 - 79 (City in the Sky, Ill Wind Blows)


(Generalprobe "Oscar Night")

Luzia teaching Exodus: p. 80 - 103 (The Big Beat, Spin to the City, Within the Wall)


HJ ---> meeting Menzingen.

20.6. - 24.6.
Exodus p. 104 - 155 (Gorbals, The Stone Telling, The Bash, Inside the Wizard Hat)     Melanie teaching

2. Kl. XXX (2c, 2d)  (mdl. Mat)


1. Kl. XXX (1c) (mdl. Mat)

Discuss test / oral mark / Exodus p. 156 - 199 (Necrotten Dreams... ,  The Land of the People, Wipeout)


(Noteneintrag 1. - 5. Kl.)

27.6. - 1.7.
Results previous session / Exodus p. 200 - 245 (Longhope, Fox Trail One, Curiouser and Curiouser, Entranced)
Exodus p. 246 - 297 (Once Upon a Time, Fox Den, The Tug Inside, Meenies in New Mungo, Twentieth Century... ,  The Nux, Earth's Greatest Engineer)


(Notenkonvente 1. Kl., Unterricht findet statt!)

XXX Maturfeier
(Notenkonvente: kein Unterricht!) XXX
4.7. - 8.7.
 Exodus p. 298 -- End of Book (This is it, Fox Time Is Now, No Time to Kill, Splinter, Gloory Peeps, The Stone-Telling Shall Be) short movie



(Projekttage 3. Klassen)


(Projekttage 3. Klassen)

11.7. - 15.7.
            Summer Holiday        


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