CClass 1c Room 209 FS 2016o
Monday, NO English lesson
Tuesday, 09:45 - 10:30
Wednesday, 11:30 - 12:45
Thursday, Morning: UniZH /
Thursday afternoon
13:15 - 14:00 ▼
Friday, NO English lesson
Mo – Fr
Sports Holidays |
4b Huusi
Rev. future continuous / U 5.2: some, any, a, an
Weiterbildung / Konvent XXX (2c, 1c)
Practise some / any etc.: NI 2 U5.2
too much, too many.pdf
too much - too many (pictures).pdf
some any much many - combined.pdf
4b Huusi
29.2. – 4.3.
9 |
Aufnahmeprüfung Morgen
Sp 12:25 √
Nachmittag korr! XXX
4b Huusi
Corr. exc. / NI2 U5.2 / U5.3
HW: fill in language workout p. 65 / read text p. 66
practising directions
directions vocab + exercise.pdf
NI 2 U5.4 / suggestions
4b Huusi
7.3. - 11.3. |
10 |
4b Huusi
revision for exam: topics see exam --->
Exam 1: U5 all vocabulary / grammar: adj. vs. adv. / future tenses including pres. cont. / c vs. non-c: (some any much many etc.) / directions / topic: suggestions, advice, teenage life
choosing a book:
4b Huusi
14.3. - 18.3. |
11 |
HJ Sitzung Luzern ---> subteaching:
reading stories
"Livia" 2. Kl. (2c, 2d, 2e /HJ KL!)
1c, 4b ---> XXX
reading stories
Julia watching
Karfreitag XXX
21.3. - 25.3. |
12 |
Ostermontag XXX
Ivana Mili teaching: NI 2 U6 1 introduce the present perfect.
Discuss test
öff. Besuchstage! + Sat: ...
ICT 4 S1
28.3. - 1.4. |
13 |
Start reading "Casino Royale"
Read up to end of ch. 4 (p. 20)
ICT 4 S2
4.4. - 8.4. |
14 |
HJ IATEFL---> subteaching: |
HJ IATEFL---> subteaching: Philipp Christen: U6 extra / Revision
HJ IATEFL---> subteaching: Mark Scherrer: U 7.1 (must, mustn't - don't have to)
HJ IATEFL ---> subteaching: Cara MacMillan: read up to p. 34 (end ch. 8, from ch. 5 p.21)
HJ IATEFL ---> subteaching:
ICT 4 S3 selbstst. !
11.4. - 15.4. |
15 |
Sechseläuten XXX
U 7.3 (before 7.2, which Mark will do on Wed)
HJ LM Prüfung ---> subteaching: Mark Scherrer: continue from lesson week before: U 7.2
Read up to p. 51 (end ch. 13)
ICT 4 S4 // Noteneintrag Zw. Beurt.!
18.4. - 22.4. |
16 |
Spring Holiday |
prep exam
Exam 2: U6: Vocabulary U6 / present perfect vs. past tenses + irregular forms p. 127 / Describing places and past experience
Spez. Probe Blasorch.: keine Prüfungen!
NI or add. task ch. 1-13
ICT 4 S5
9.5. - 13.5. |
19 |
Pfingstmontag XXX
HJ LM Prüfung ---> subteaching: Philipp Christen NI 2 U7.4
Eva teaching NI 2 Extra
Eva teaching ch. 14-end of book
ICT 4 S6
16.5. - 20.5.
20 |
Didier teaching: NI 2 U 8.1: purpose, describing a process
HJ LM Prüfung ---> subteaching: Philipp Christen: rev. U 8.1 --> U 8.2
Discussion of Exam 2! /Using your Bond ideas.
23.5. - 27.5.
21 |
Matthias watching: rev. 8.1 / 8.2 purpose / 1st cond.
Ana teaching: U 8.3
U 8.3
exercises with tags:
30.5. - 3.6.
22 |
Finalizing U8
Matthias teaching: story
6.6. - 10.6.
23 |
Review for exam
Cara watching
Expression of purpose with "to", "for", "so that", "so as to", "in order to"
must - have to (mail Zora).pdf
Exam 3: Voc U7/U8 / must - mustn't - have to - don't or doesn't have to: (absence of) obligation / relative pronouns (who, which, that) / purpose / 1st (=open) conditional
( if you...) / describing a process (step by step, passive) / question tags.
(Spezialprobe Blasorchester: keine Prüfungen!)
13.6. - 17.6.
24 |
HJ Mdl. Prüf KEN ---> subteaching: Philipp Christen
Test back
Project : Story Writing: How to Plan to Write a Good Story.doc
20.6. - 24.6.
25 |
Project Planungstag Menz. ---> subteaching Mark Scherrer: 10:40!
2. Kl. XXX (2c, 2d,) (mdl. Mat)
1. Kl. XXX (1c) (mdl. Mat)
Presenting Project /oral mark
(Noteneintrag 1. - 5. Kl.)
27.6. - 1.7.
26 |
Presenting Project
Casino Royale movie part I
(Notenkonvente 1. Kl., Unterricht findet statt!)
Casino Royale movie part II
Room 63
(Notenkonvente: kein Unterricht!) XXX
4.7. - 8.7.
27 |
(Exkursion 1. Kl. Augusta Raurica: 1c!)
Casino Royale movie part III
Room 63
Bye bye drink
(Projekttage 3. Klassen)
(Projekttage 3. Klassen)
11.7. - 15.7.
28 |
Summer Holiday |
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